Bringing GPT to AWS Support, PumpGPT

Your AWS Support just got 100X smarter, the latest innovations in generative AI, brought to you by Pump

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Pump is your FinOps team, 24X7
Powered by AI

Fully Automated savings of up to 60%

Our much loved flagship product launched with a group-buying product in 2022. At no cost to our customers, and no engineering effort needed, we provide a no-brainer solution. After talking to hundreds of customers, we thought what next?

Fully Automated AWS Support, PumpGPT

Trained data points
Response latency
AWS is complex. So complex that AWS premium support is charged at 3-10% of the entire bill.

With the IAM permissions provided to Pump, we've trained PumpGPT to go beyond just cost savings. We've built PumpGPT to be your in-house AWS expert that can answer any question under the sun on AWS, again at no cost to you.

Writes code, and files support tickets

PumpGPT is meant to be a AI powered DevOps engineer at your service 24X7. Natively trained on AWS documentation, PumpGPT is fluent in Python & Java.

Incentivized to recommend the most cost optimized instances

Cost savings is our bread and butter. PumpGPT is your best source when it comes to a cost effective decision.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect*
or much better

We cleared the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam, scoring 91%+ on every attempt.
*As LLMs aren't able to certify as of yet, PumpGPT is an honorary graduate.

Level 8 conversations

Dig deeper with PumpGPT until you have the answer. Through a combination of deep prompt enrichment and integrating domain specific data, PumpGPT is able to prevent hallucination and be a state of the art tool for providing factual and insightful responses.
Ask up to 8 times deeper question threads to really get to the bottom.
Try in action

Files tickets for human intervention

Not everything can be solved by AI, we understand. When you get stuck and need that human in the loop, simply ask PumpGPT to file a ticket on your behalf.

24X7 at your service

Response time

PumpGPT vs. AWS Support

Pump Free Plan
AWS Developer Support
AWS Business Support
Money-back guarantee
60% Fully automated savings
Answers AWS related question
Group discount %
AWS Services covered
Auto-pilot Reserved Instances
Auto-pilot Savings Plans
Trained on your custom cloud environment
Unlimited AWS accounts
Unlimited users
24X7 Slack support
Files AWS support tickets on your behalf
Monthly bill review
Helps you find best pricing & architecture
Code & Script Generation
60 day cancel policy - anytime
By someone that has passed AWS Certified Professional Exams
3% of AWS bill
10% of AWS bill
Ready to upgrade yet? PumpGPT
Trusted by 200+ INNOvative STARTUPS
Reality Defender

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